Functions of BJJ Kids Warrior Challenge

Still not sure that Jiu Jitsu is for you? Don’t just take our word for it, experience Functions of BJJ for yourself.

Choose between a 21 and 42 day Kids BJJ training pass and sign up today!


Functions of BJJ Adults Warrior Challenge

Still not sure that Jiu Jitsu is for you? Don’t just take our word for it, experience Functions of BJJ for yourself.

Choose between a 21 and 42 day Adults BJJ training pass and sign up today!


Functions of BJJ Private Lessons

Jiu-Jitsu is like any other sport or activity: your progress is a consequence of how hard and how smart you work. Group classes are the best proven way to teach Jiu-Jitsu, since the diversity of training partners creates more and different challenges allowing a student to improve more quickly. However, private classes are definitely an essential complement that no serious Jiu-Jitsu student should do without.